Sunday, March 8, 2015

Miya's Super Sweet 16 Words!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Pass this test and you can sleep in Disneyland.... fail it and you'll have to sleep rough in a park somewhere instead!

Ha jee may mash tae = nice to meet you

Bii rue = building

Ee yay = house

Me say = shop.

Den sha = train

Cheek a tet sue = subway train

Eckie = Station (train or subway)

Key you ko = express train (an express train goes quicker than a regular one and doesn't stop as often)

Kai dan = stairs

eskalaror = escalator

Elebator = elevator

Kuruma = car

He ko key = airplane

Kuu ko = airport

Yoga = The part of Tokyo where Miya's parents live

Shibuya = The place that is the very centre of Tokyo

Don't stress! You don't have to learn them all in one day!
Use your imagination and you'll learn them quicker than using your memory.

Monday, March 2, 2015

This is how to write your name in Japanese!!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Here is your name boy, learn how to write it, you never know when you'll need to write it down:

Friday, February 13, 2015


Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

You have been learning lots of words lately so I'm giving you a break for the weekend!!

Surprise!! You'll only have to learn one word for the next few days!!

And guess what that word is...

Surprise = Bick-urish-ta!
So, if you are surprised by something you see in Japan, you can say bick-urish-ta! It's all one word. Also, if someone in Japan gets a surprise they shout out BICK-URISH-TAAAA!! just like we shout out "wwwwaaaahhhhhhh!!" when we get a surprise.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Good words to use no matter what the weather!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

These words are good to use no matter what the weather, in Tokyo the weather will be warm!

O two key sama = moon

Toy o = the sun.

Ten key = weather.

Kasa = umbrella

Ah may = rain

You key = snow

At swee = hot

Sam wee = cold

Cup u = cup

E sue = seat

Table u = table.

Use your imagination, not your memory... and you'll remember these quickly!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lots of pictures so you can remember easily and not pull out your hair of go mad!!!!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Pen = Pen

Key no = yesterday. (Do you have a KEY? NO! )

Keogh = today (think of a fella with the family name Keogh and you meet him today)

Ash ta = tomorrow

Cheese u = map

hon = book

Zashi = magazine. Zorro is the name of this Zashi.

Anime = cartoon (the word Anime comes from the English language word "Animation", Easy!!)

Man ga = comic book

Shinbun = newspaper (think of a big thick newspaper wrapped around your shin bone so people kicking you in the leg don't hurt you). It's the world's cheapest armour!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Don't talk to strangers!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Here are questions you will hear people asking you... but remember don't talk to strangers!!

Anata no namai wa nan dess ka? = what is your name?

Anata wa nan soy dess ka? = what age are you?

Doko kara dess ka? = where are you from?

Here are the answers:

Watashi no namai wa Oisin dess. = my name is Oisin (sometimes, people just say "Oisin dess" = I'm Oisin. It's shorter, and people find it easier to say)
Jew soy dess = I'm 10 years old.

Roku soy dess = I'm 6 years old.

Irelando kara dess = I'm from Ireland.

Oisin wa Irelando kara dess = Oisin is from Ireland.

Miya wa Knee hon kara dess = Miya is from Japan.

This picture means Japan, you'll see it written on t-shirts and cups and [smelly] socks and flags and and and everything! Japanese people don't say "Japan" though, instead they say Knee Hon. So...
Knee hon = Japan.

Monday, February 2, 2015

5 second challenge!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Do you like time travel???? I ask because today we will go back in time!

Did you see that in the last post I put up a list of all the words you have learned so far?
Well, for today, what I want you to do is to make sure you know all of those ones before we go on and learn some more.

So, here's the challenge....

Go through the list of words in the previous post, one by one, with your mom asking you "what's the Japanese for..." for each word. If there is one you can't remember within 5 seconds... write it down on a piece of paper. Continue making the list until you have done the 5 second challenge with each word.

And thennnnnnnnnn.......(or later on!)

Download a flashcard app and put your list of words on it. That's the way to learn those tricky to remember words without wasting any time reviewing words you already know. Japanese efficiency!!!

Let me know how it goes if some of the words still won't go into your head... I'll find a way to make them stick without buuuursting your brain!! The way to make it memorable is to make it fun and funny!