Friday, January 30, 2015

WOW!!! Look at all the words ye have learned so far!!!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Pinku = pink

Ow = blue (You say "ow" after you get a pinch, and  after a while the bruise turns blue).

Crow = black (look at a crow, what colour is he? Black!)

Aka = red

Chair-o = brown. Sit on a wooden chair, what colour is the wood? It's brown!

Me-door-e = green. What colour was the colour of me door of the log cabin... it was green!

Shi-ro = white. Snow is coloured white, and if you stand outside in the snow, after a while you'll start to shiver.

Kilo = yellow 
 O-toy-ray = toilet.
o toy-ray wa dokoe dess ka  = where is the toilet"

Japanese translator

Choe-toe = a little

Mat-tae = wait

Wait a minute = "choetoe mattae"

Sweattta = jumper.

Doe-ko dess ka = where is it? (the word "ka" at the end of a sentence means that the sentence is a question).

You can use "doeko dess ka" anytime you want to ask where anything or anyone is. For example:
Caoimhe wa doeko dess ka? = Where is Caoimhe?
Ohashee wa doeko dess ka? = Where are the chopsticks?

Irrie-gue-chee = entrance.
De- goo-chee = exit.

Irrie-gue-chee wa doeko dess ka? = Where's the entrance?
De-goo-chee  wa doeko dess ka? = Where's the exit?

Kay-tie = mobile phone.
Watashi no kay-tie wa doeko dess ka? = where's my mobile phone?
Watashi no asa gohan wa doeko dess ka? - where's my breakfast? 

Chotto mattae, watashi no sweattta wa doeko dess ka? = Wait a minute, where's my jumper?
a-tama = head

Tae = Hand (That's where the "te" sound comes from in the word "Karate").

Me me = ears (I don't like listening to people who only talk about themselves, they're all "me me me me me"!

Hanaa = nose
(Hanna also means = a flower).

O-knocka = belly (think of seeing Paddy's big belly whenever you visit KNOCKAne)

Ashee = leg (think of kicking a bucket of ashes with your leg and getting covered in ashes as a result).

You bee = fingers (if a bee lands on your finger, you bee doing some panicking!)

Ashee no you bee = toes (this translates as your toes being the fingers on your leg!!)

Ga e-thai = it hurts. (Think that Thai food is very hot and spicy and can hurt you)

Watashi no tae ga e-thai = my hand hurts

Watashi no o-knocka ga e-thai = my stomach hurts

Watashi no a-tama ga e-thai = My head hurts, or I have a headache.
Bus-u = bus

Knife-u = knife

Fork-u = fork

Tack shee = taxi

Tshirts-u = t-shirt

Pen = pen

Pizza = pizza

 e knew = dog

Necko = cat.

What do you have to say when you are about to eat something? eat a doggy moss.

Itchy = 1                      Jew itchy = 11                         Knee Jew itchy = 21

Knee = 2                     Jew knee = 12                        Knee Jew knee = 22

San = 3                       Jew san = 13                           Knee Jew san = 23

Yawn = 4                    Jew yawn = 14                       Knee Jew yawn = 24

Go = 5                        Jew go = 15                           Knee Jew go = 25

Rocku = 6                    Jew rocku = 16                     Knee Jew rocku = 26

Nana = 7                    Jew nana = 17                        Knee Jew nana = 27

Hatch-e = 8                Jew hatch-e = 18                   Knee Jew hatch-e = 28

Q = 9                         Jew Q = 19                           Knee Jew Q = 29

Jew = 10                    Knee Jew = 20                      San Jew = 30

Did you notice that number 11 is made up of a 10 and a 1 put together? That makes sense.
Did you notice that number 12 is made up of a 10 and a 2 put together? That makes sense too ... and it continues on like that, all the way up as far as 19.

Number 20 is just a 2 and a 10 put together.
Number 21 is just a 2 and a 10 put together... plus a 1 stuck on the end.
Number 22 is just a 2 and a 10 put together... plus a 2 stuck on the end... and guess what, it continues on like that, all the ways up to 99.
100 = hyack-u
Please = only-guy-seamus

Ask for a sandwich = "sando-witch-e only-guy-seamus".

Ask for money = o-can-e only-guy-seamus

o-ta-bay-mass = to eat. An example is Hamburger o tabaymass (eat a hamburger).

o-nommy-mass = to drink. An example is Mizu o nommymass (drink water).

ickie-mass = to go. An example is Nihon ni ickiemass (go to Japan).

Eat a hamburger              = hamburger o-ta-bay- mass.
Want to eat a hamburger = hamburger o-ta-bay- tie-dess.

Drink water             = mizu o mommy mass.
Want to drink water = mizu o nommy tie dess.

Go to Japan             = Nihon ni ickie mass.
Want to go to Japan = Nihon ni ickie tie dess.

Go to Ballyheigue             = Ballyheigue ni ickie mass.
Want to go to Ballyheigue = Ballyheigue ni ickie tie dess.

Good morning = Ohayo gozaimasu.
Hello = konnichi wa 
Good evening = kombanwa 

Chopsticks = o hashi.
My chopsticks - watashi no o hashi.
Your chopsticks = anata no o hashi.

Morning = asa.
Food = gohan
Breakfast = asa gohan.
Hey-sash-e-boo-ree = long time no see!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

29 January 2015 Japanese is a very colourful language!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Pinku = pink

Ow = blue (You say "ow" after you get a pinch, and  after a while the bruise turns blue).

Crow = black (look at a crow, what colour is he? Black!)

Aka = red

Chair-o = brown. Sit on a wooden chair, what colour is the wood? It's brown!

Me-door-e = green. What colour was the colour of me door of the log cabin... it was green!

Shi-ro = white. Snow is coloured white, and if you stand outside in the snow, after a while you'll start to shiver.

Kilo = yellow (butter is always coloured yellow), and here is a picture of a huge kilo of yellow butter.

And here's a totttttttttttttally random word: O-toy-ray = toilet.

Tell me now, how do you ask "where is the toilet?".......
Remember we said "dokoe dess ka" means "where is...anything".
So, "where is the toilet" is  "o toy-ray wa dokoe dess ka"

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

28 January 2015- Wait a minute where's me jumper?!!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Choe-toe = a little

Mat-tae = wait

To ask someone to wait a little while, even for a few seconds while you think of an answer to a question, you can say "choetoe mattae". It's a very useful expression to learn! Use it the next time your mom asks you a question... but don't use it in school!

Do you remember we already learned the word for "my", it's "watashi no".

Sweattta = jumper.

Doe-ko dess ka = where is it? (the word "ka" at the end of a sentence means that the sentence is a question).

So, how do you say "wait a minute, where's my jumper" like in the song by the Sultans of Ping? See if you can guess... the answer is at the bottom of this page.

You can use "doeko dess ka" anytime you want to ask where anything or anyone is. For example:
Caoimhe wa doeko dess ka? = Where is Caoimhe?
Ohashee wa doeko dess ka? = Where are the chopsticks?

Do you see the word "wa" in those sentences? I'll explain why that's there. You put  a "wa" into a sentence right after you say the word that the sentence is all about. Because the above sentences are about Caoimhe and chopsticks, you say "wa" right after you say the words Caoimhe and chopsticks.

Irrie-gue-chee = entrance.
De- goo-chee = exit.

Irrie-gue-chee wa doeko dess ka? = Where's the entrance?
De-goo-chee  wa doeko dess ka? = Where's the exit?

Kay-tie = mobile phone.
Watashi no kay-tie wa doeko dess ka? = where's my mobile phone?
Watashi no asa gohan wa doeko dess ka? - where's my breakfast? (use this every morning from now on, if you're not too sleepy). I wonder if yer mom will remember and understand what you are asking?

See this sign? Well, here's one way to remember it... the symbol on the left looks like the entrance to a tent.

Here's a way to remember that this sign means exit.... the symbol on the left looks like a mountain (a bit anyway!) so you'll be searching for this sign when you want to "head for the hills!".

Answer: Chotto mattae, watashi no sweattta wa doeko dess ka? = Wait a minute, where's my jumper?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday 27 January 2015. It's Handy if you Nose these words.

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Can ye get yer heads (atama) around these new words?

a-tama = head (the "tama" part of the word rhymes with NAMA, so that's how to pronounce it).

Tae = Hand (That's where the "te" sound comes from in the word "Karate").

Me me = ears (I don't like listening to people who only talk about themselves, they're all "me me me me me"!

Hanaa = nose... but ye knows that already.
(Hanna also means = a flower).

O-knocka = belly (think of seeing Paddy's big belly whenever you visit KNOCKAne)

Ashee = leg (think of kicking a bucket of ashes with your leg and getting covered in ashes as a result).

You bee = fingers (if a bee lands on your finger, you bee doing some panicking!)

Ashee no you bee = toes (this translates as your toes being the fingers on your leg!!)

Ga e-thai = it hurts. (Think that Thai food is very hot and spicy and can hurt you)

Remember we learned "watashi no" means "my" a few nights ago... well, here is a way to use it now:

Watashi no tae ga e-thai = my hand hurts

Watashi no o-knocka ga e-thai = my stomach hurts

Watashi no a-tama ga e-thai = My head hurts, or I have a headache.

Do yer heads hurt after learning those new words????

Monday, January 26, 2015

Easy Japaneassssy

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Sometimes Japanese people don't use Japanese words, they use English language words instead. Here are some of them:

Bus-u = bus

Knife-u = knife

Fork-u = fork

Tack shee = taxi

Tshirts-u = t-shirt

Pen = pen

Pizza = pizza

Those were eeeeeeeeasy!

How about these next ones:

    e knew = dog
(Ye knew that one already!

Necko = cat. Here's a picture to help you remember that one. You should remember it, because Miya has a pet cat in Japan, his name is Ginger.

See, this cat cushion fits around your neck while you're on a long flight.

Speaking of cats and dogs... what do you have to say when you are about to eat something?
You say eat a doggy moss.Here's a picture to help you remember:

Oooh, and here's the word for 100..... hyack-u, because you've already learned up to 99.
I couldn't find a picture of 100 yacks looking at you, just one. This yack the same haircut as you!

Friday, January 23, 2015

24 January 2015. Hang on!.... Today's words aren't words at all!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Here are today's words. Oooh hang on, they're not words... they're numbers!

As soon as you learn to count to 10, you will know enough words to be able to count to 100! That's a good deal!!

Itchy = 1                      Jew itchy = 11                         Knee Jew itchy = 21

Knee = 2                     Jew knee = 12                        Knee Jew knee = 22

San = 3                       Jew san = 13                           Knee Jew san = 23

Yawn = 4                    Jew yawn = 14                       Knee Jew yawn = 24

Go = 5                        Jew go = 15                           Knee Jew go = 25

Rocku = 6                    Jew rocku = 16                     Knee Jew rocku = 26

Nana = 7                    Jew nana = 17                        Knee Jew nana = 27

Hatch-e = 8                Jew hatch-e = 18                   Knee Jew hatch-e = 28

Q = 9                         Jew Q = 19                           Knee Jew Q = 29

Jew = 10                    Knee Jew = 20                      San Jew = 30

Did you notice that number 11 is made up of a 10 and a 1 put together? That makes sense.
Did you notice that number 12 is made up of a 10 and a 2 put together? That makes sense too ... and it continues on like that, all the way up as far as 19.

Number 20 is just a 2 and a 10 put together.
Number 21 is just a 2 and a 10 put together... plus a 1 stuck on the end.
Number 22 is just a 2 and a 10 put together... plus a 2 stuck on the end... and guess what, it continues on like that, all the ways up to 99.

Guess what number 100 is..... It is... it is...... it is something I'll tell ye in the next lesson!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

23 January 2015. Do you WANT TO learn some more Japanese and go to Japan?

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Konnichi wa kids and skids!

Please remember that the way to say "please" is to say "only-guy-seamus".
So, if you want to ask for something, you say the name of the thing you want and then say the magic words "only-guy-seamus". For example, if you wanted to ask for a burger in a chip shop you would say "hamburger only-guy-seamus".

Or, if you wanted to ask for a sandwich you would say "sando-witch-e only-guy-seamus".

Or, if you wanted to ask your parents for money you would say "o-can-e only-guy-seamus" (because the word o-can-e means money in Japanese). Go practice that one on your parents now! You can remember that the word o-can-e means money because if you are saving up money you put it up in a can.

So far today you have learned the words for please, sandwich and money.

Next, here are three words about doing stuff:
(all one word) o-ta-bay-mass = to eat. An example is Hamburger o tabaymass (eat a hamburger).

(all one word) o-nommy-mass = to drink. An example is Mizu o nommymass (drink water).

(all one word) ickie-mass = to go. An example is Nihon ni ickiemass (go to Japan).

If ye want to say that ye "want to" do something, you don't say the "mass" part of the words just above. Instead, you swop the word "mass" with the magic words "tie dess". Here are examples to make that easier to understand:

Eat a hamburger              = hamburger o-ta-bay- mass.
Want to eat a hamburger = hamburger o-ta-bay- tie-dess.

Drink water             = mizu o mommy mass.
Want to drink water = mizu o nommy tie dess.

Go to Japan             = Nihon ni ickie mass.
Want to go to Japan = Nihon ni ickie tie dess.

Go to Ballyheigue             = Ballyheigue ni ickie mass.
Want to go to Ballyheigue = Ballyheigue ni ickie tie dess.

That's enough for today, best of luck with it!

22 January 2015. Ye won't beat today's BIG challenge so easily!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

There are 3 different ways to say hello in Japanese. Ye have to say the right one at the right time, or else ye would look like awful eeeeeegits!

Good morning = Ohayo gozaimasu.

Hello = konnichi wa - (used between midday and when it starts to get dark).

Good evening = kombanwa - (used when it has got dark outside).

Chopsticks = o hashi.
My chopsticks - watashi no o hashi.
Your chopsticks = anata no o hashi.

Morning = asa.
Food = gohan
Breakfast = asa gohan.

Here's today's BIG CHALLENGE:
Hey-sash-e-boo-ree = long time no see!
It's all one word. If ye can say it to Miya or Otosan when ye see them next, they'll get a shock!

 this means "big". See, it is shaped like a big star, ye can remember it.

Or maybe this funny drawing will help ye remember that it means BIG?

Japanese translation

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 1- Learn these or else the ninjas will get you!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Watashi = me

Watashi no = my

Watashi no hamburger = my hamburger

Watashi no mizu = my water

Watashi no namai = my name

Watashi no namai wa = my name is

Anata = you

Anata no = your

Anata no hamburger = your hamburger

Anata no miizu = your water

Anata no namai = your name

Anata no namai wa = your name is

This means "men" and you'll need to be able to recognise it on toilet doors or else there will be an embarrassing mix up!