Thursday, January 22, 2015

23 January 2015. Do you WANT TO learn some more Japanese and go to Japan?

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Konnichi wa kids and skids!

Please remember that the way to say "please" is to say "only-guy-seamus".
So, if you want to ask for something, you say the name of the thing you want and then say the magic words "only-guy-seamus". For example, if you wanted to ask for a burger in a chip shop you would say "hamburger only-guy-seamus".

Or, if you wanted to ask for a sandwich you would say "sando-witch-e only-guy-seamus".

Or, if you wanted to ask your parents for money you would say "o-can-e only-guy-seamus" (because the word o-can-e means money in Japanese). Go practice that one on your parents now! You can remember that the word o-can-e means money because if you are saving up money you put it up in a can.

So far today you have learned the words for please, sandwich and money.

Next, here are three words about doing stuff:
(all one word) o-ta-bay-mass = to eat. An example is Hamburger o tabaymass (eat a hamburger).

(all one word) o-nommy-mass = to drink. An example is Mizu o nommymass (drink water).

(all one word) ickie-mass = to go. An example is Nihon ni ickiemass (go to Japan).

If ye want to say that ye "want to" do something, you don't say the "mass" part of the words just above. Instead, you swop the word "mass" with the magic words "tie dess". Here are examples to make that easier to understand:

Eat a hamburger              = hamburger o-ta-bay- mass.
Want to eat a hamburger = hamburger o-ta-bay- tie-dess.

Drink water             = mizu o mommy mass.
Want to drink water = mizu o nommy tie dess.

Go to Japan             = Nihon ni ickie mass.
Want to go to Japan = Nihon ni ickie tie dess.

Go to Ballyheigue             = Ballyheigue ni ickie mass.
Want to go to Ballyheigue = Ballyheigue ni ickie tie dess.

That's enough for today, best of luck with it!

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