Friday, January 30, 2015

WOW!!! Look at all the words ye have learned so far!!!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Pinku = pink

Ow = blue (You say "ow" after you get a pinch, and  after a while the bruise turns blue).

Crow = black (look at a crow, what colour is he? Black!)

Aka = red

Chair-o = brown. Sit on a wooden chair, what colour is the wood? It's brown!

Me-door-e = green. What colour was the colour of me door of the log cabin... it was green!

Shi-ro = white. Snow is coloured white, and if you stand outside in the snow, after a while you'll start to shiver.

Kilo = yellow 
 O-toy-ray = toilet.
o toy-ray wa dokoe dess ka  = where is the toilet"

Japanese translator

Choe-toe = a little

Mat-tae = wait

Wait a minute = "choetoe mattae"

Sweattta = jumper.

Doe-ko dess ka = where is it? (the word "ka" at the end of a sentence means that the sentence is a question).

You can use "doeko dess ka" anytime you want to ask where anything or anyone is. For example:
Caoimhe wa doeko dess ka? = Where is Caoimhe?
Ohashee wa doeko dess ka? = Where are the chopsticks?

Irrie-gue-chee = entrance.
De- goo-chee = exit.

Irrie-gue-chee wa doeko dess ka? = Where's the entrance?
De-goo-chee  wa doeko dess ka? = Where's the exit?

Kay-tie = mobile phone.
Watashi no kay-tie wa doeko dess ka? = where's my mobile phone?
Watashi no asa gohan wa doeko dess ka? - where's my breakfast? 

Chotto mattae, watashi no sweattta wa doeko dess ka? = Wait a minute, where's my jumper?
a-tama = head

Tae = Hand (That's where the "te" sound comes from in the word "Karate").

Me me = ears (I don't like listening to people who only talk about themselves, they're all "me me me me me"!

Hanaa = nose
(Hanna also means = a flower).

O-knocka = belly (think of seeing Paddy's big belly whenever you visit KNOCKAne)

Ashee = leg (think of kicking a bucket of ashes with your leg and getting covered in ashes as a result).

You bee = fingers (if a bee lands on your finger, you bee doing some panicking!)

Ashee no you bee = toes (this translates as your toes being the fingers on your leg!!)

Ga e-thai = it hurts. (Think that Thai food is very hot and spicy and can hurt you)

Watashi no tae ga e-thai = my hand hurts

Watashi no o-knocka ga e-thai = my stomach hurts

Watashi no a-tama ga e-thai = My head hurts, or I have a headache.
Bus-u = bus

Knife-u = knife

Fork-u = fork

Tack shee = taxi

Tshirts-u = t-shirt

Pen = pen

Pizza = pizza

 e knew = dog

Necko = cat.

What do you have to say when you are about to eat something? eat a doggy moss.

Itchy = 1                      Jew itchy = 11                         Knee Jew itchy = 21

Knee = 2                     Jew knee = 12                        Knee Jew knee = 22

San = 3                       Jew san = 13                           Knee Jew san = 23

Yawn = 4                    Jew yawn = 14                       Knee Jew yawn = 24

Go = 5                        Jew go = 15                           Knee Jew go = 25

Rocku = 6                    Jew rocku = 16                     Knee Jew rocku = 26

Nana = 7                    Jew nana = 17                        Knee Jew nana = 27

Hatch-e = 8                Jew hatch-e = 18                   Knee Jew hatch-e = 28

Q = 9                         Jew Q = 19                           Knee Jew Q = 29

Jew = 10                    Knee Jew = 20                      San Jew = 30

Did you notice that number 11 is made up of a 10 and a 1 put together? That makes sense.
Did you notice that number 12 is made up of a 10 and a 2 put together? That makes sense too ... and it continues on like that, all the way up as far as 19.

Number 20 is just a 2 and a 10 put together.
Number 21 is just a 2 and a 10 put together... plus a 1 stuck on the end.
Number 22 is just a 2 and a 10 put together... plus a 2 stuck on the end... and guess what, it continues on like that, all the ways up to 99.
100 = hyack-u
Please = only-guy-seamus

Ask for a sandwich = "sando-witch-e only-guy-seamus".

Ask for money = o-can-e only-guy-seamus

o-ta-bay-mass = to eat. An example is Hamburger o tabaymass (eat a hamburger).

o-nommy-mass = to drink. An example is Mizu o nommymass (drink water).

ickie-mass = to go. An example is Nihon ni ickiemass (go to Japan).

Eat a hamburger              = hamburger o-ta-bay- mass.
Want to eat a hamburger = hamburger o-ta-bay- tie-dess.

Drink water             = mizu o mommy mass.
Want to drink water = mizu o nommy tie dess.

Go to Japan             = Nihon ni ickie mass.
Want to go to Japan = Nihon ni ickie tie dess.

Go to Ballyheigue             = Ballyheigue ni ickie mass.
Want to go to Ballyheigue = Ballyheigue ni ickie tie dess.

Good morning = Ohayo gozaimasu.
Hello = konnichi wa 
Good evening = kombanwa 

Chopsticks = o hashi.
My chopsticks - watashi no o hashi.
Your chopsticks = anata no o hashi.

Morning = asa.
Food = gohan
Breakfast = asa gohan.
Hey-sash-e-boo-ree = long time no see!

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