Friday, January 23, 2015

24 January 2015. Hang on!.... Today's words aren't words at all!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Here are today's words. Oooh hang on, they're not words... they're numbers!

As soon as you learn to count to 10, you will know enough words to be able to count to 100! That's a good deal!!

Itchy = 1                      Jew itchy = 11                         Knee Jew itchy = 21

Knee = 2                     Jew knee = 12                        Knee Jew knee = 22

San = 3                       Jew san = 13                           Knee Jew san = 23

Yawn = 4                    Jew yawn = 14                       Knee Jew yawn = 24

Go = 5                        Jew go = 15                           Knee Jew go = 25

Rocku = 6                    Jew rocku = 16                     Knee Jew rocku = 26

Nana = 7                    Jew nana = 17                        Knee Jew nana = 27

Hatch-e = 8                Jew hatch-e = 18                   Knee Jew hatch-e = 28

Q = 9                         Jew Q = 19                           Knee Jew Q = 29

Jew = 10                    Knee Jew = 20                      San Jew = 30

Did you notice that number 11 is made up of a 10 and a 1 put together? That makes sense.
Did you notice that number 12 is made up of a 10 and a 2 put together? That makes sense too ... and it continues on like that, all the way up as far as 19.

Number 20 is just a 2 and a 10 put together.
Number 21 is just a 2 and a 10 put together... plus a 1 stuck on the end.
Number 22 is just a 2 and a 10 put together... plus a 2 stuck on the end... and guess what, it continues on like that, all the ways up to 99.

Guess what number 100 is..... It is... it is...... it is something I'll tell ye in the next lesson!

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