Monday, January 26, 2015

Easy Japaneassssy

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Sometimes Japanese people don't use Japanese words, they use English language words instead. Here are some of them:

Bus-u = bus

Knife-u = knife

Fork-u = fork

Tack shee = taxi

Tshirts-u = t-shirt

Pen = pen

Pizza = pizza

Those were eeeeeeeeasy!

How about these next ones:

    e knew = dog
(Ye knew that one already!

Necko = cat. Here's a picture to help you remember that one. You should remember it, because Miya has a pet cat in Japan, his name is Ginger.

See, this cat cushion fits around your neck while you're on a long flight.

Speaking of cats and dogs... what do you have to say when you are about to eat something?
You say eat a doggy moss.Here's a picture to help you remember:

Oooh, and here's the word for 100..... hyack-u, because you've already learned up to 99.
I couldn't find a picture of 100 yacks looking at you, just one. This yack the same haircut as you!

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