Thursday, January 29, 2015

29 January 2015 Japanese is a very colourful language!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Pinku = pink

Ow = blue (You say "ow" after you get a pinch, and  after a while the bruise turns blue).

Crow = black (look at a crow, what colour is he? Black!)

Aka = red

Chair-o = brown. Sit on a wooden chair, what colour is the wood? It's brown!

Me-door-e = green. What colour was the colour of me door of the log cabin... it was green!

Shi-ro = white. Snow is coloured white, and if you stand outside in the snow, after a while you'll start to shiver.

Kilo = yellow (butter is always coloured yellow), and here is a picture of a huge kilo of yellow butter.

And here's a totttttttttttttally random word: O-toy-ray = toilet.

Tell me now, how do you ask "where is the toilet?".......
Remember we said "dokoe dess ka" means "where is...anything".
So, "where is the toilet" is  "o toy-ray wa dokoe dess ka"

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