Wednesday, January 28, 2015

28 January 2015- Wait a minute where's me jumper?!!

Brought to you by your favorite Japanese Translator!

Choe-toe = a little

Mat-tae = wait

To ask someone to wait a little while, even for a few seconds while you think of an answer to a question, you can say "choetoe mattae". It's a very useful expression to learn! Use it the next time your mom asks you a question... but don't use it in school!

Do you remember we already learned the word for "my", it's "watashi no".

Sweattta = jumper.

Doe-ko dess ka = where is it? (the word "ka" at the end of a sentence means that the sentence is a question).

So, how do you say "wait a minute, where's my jumper" like in the song by the Sultans of Ping? See if you can guess... the answer is at the bottom of this page.

You can use "doeko dess ka" anytime you want to ask where anything or anyone is. For example:
Caoimhe wa doeko dess ka? = Where is Caoimhe?
Ohashee wa doeko dess ka? = Where are the chopsticks?

Do you see the word "wa" in those sentences? I'll explain why that's there. You put  a "wa" into a sentence right after you say the word that the sentence is all about. Because the above sentences are about Caoimhe and chopsticks, you say "wa" right after you say the words Caoimhe and chopsticks.

Irrie-gue-chee = entrance.
De- goo-chee = exit.

Irrie-gue-chee wa doeko dess ka? = Where's the entrance?
De-goo-chee  wa doeko dess ka? = Where's the exit?

Kay-tie = mobile phone.
Watashi no kay-tie wa doeko dess ka? = where's my mobile phone?
Watashi no asa gohan wa doeko dess ka? - where's my breakfast? (use this every morning from now on, if you're not too sleepy). I wonder if yer mom will remember and understand what you are asking?

See this sign? Well, here's one way to remember it... the symbol on the left looks like the entrance to a tent.

Here's a way to remember that this sign means exit.... the symbol on the left looks like a mountain (a bit anyway!) so you'll be searching for this sign when you want to "head for the hills!".

Answer: Chotto mattae, watashi no sweattta wa doeko dess ka? = Wait a minute, where's my jumper?

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